The goal of the annual Kaplun Essay Contest is to encourage students to think about their heritage, reflect on their values, and better understand Judaism’s contribution to civilization and culture. We believe strongly in the value of this writing process as a way for young people to explore challenging ethical topics.
2021 MOrris j. & betty KAPLUN ESSAY CONTEST
Level 1: Grades 7-9
How can Jewish customs, rituals, and practices help you deal with the challenging environment posed by the Coronavirus?
Level 2: Grades 10-12
With the world ravaged by the Coronavirus and the turmoil that accompanies social unrest, discuss how Jewish ideals/values* help us think about these current events and how they can help us hold onto our democratic ideals.
*This list of Jewish values from our partner, the Jewish Teen Funders Network, may assist your thinking. It is not an exclusive list — you may reference any Jewish ideals or values you believe relevant, whether on this list or not.
The first-place winners in Level 1 and Level 2 will each be awarded $1,800. The next five winners in each level will receive an award of $500 each. Entrance prizes of $18.00 will be awarded to the first 50 essays received in each level.
Essays must be a minimum of 250 words. Level 1 entries may not exceed 1,000 words. Level 2 entries may not exceed 1,500 words.
Only one submission per entrant.
Submissions are welcome from anywhere in the world, and by students of any faith. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on March 7, 2021.
Winners will be notified by May 31, 2021.
All entries will become property of the Foundation and may be reproduced by the Foundation, with attribution.
The Foundation suggests finishing your essay prior to starting your application, as the online application cannot be saved and submitted until it is complete.
The essay portal (button below) is now live.